Monday, October 20, 2014

Watch Your Mouth

I began to read a book that I have had for quite some time- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I was very hesitant about reading it because I wasn’t certain if this book was going to discredit the principles of the Bible. It actually has acknowledged the significance of religion on this principle, so I began to read for my edification, and hopefully for yours, too.

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is, "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he." (Proverbs 23:7a. KJV). (I like to modify it by saying as a woman thinketh...). Understanding this scripture has allowed me to consider my thought-life. What are the things that I am thinking? Are they positive or negative thoughts? Am I thinking about something so much that is it now a meditation? This scripture also taught me that whatever you think is what you will become. How powerful is that?!

***Spoiler Alert*** The Secret is based off of the principle of the law of attraction. It says that everything that is going on in your life is what you have attracted. Take a minute to consider what you think about the most. Have you said, “I won’t ever amount to anything. I will never get that job. I will never find a husband. I’m always broke.”  Is it possible that some of your current circumstances are a direct result of something you previously thought and spoke about?

I remember a very close family member saying to me many years ago, “If it weren’t for bad luck you wouldn’t have any luck at all.” I have to wonder whether or not I began to believe this and meditate on it over the years.

This book also discusses how saying what we DON’T want can manifest into the opposite action. It says, “The law of attraction doesn’t compute “don’t” or “not” or “no”, or any other words of negation. As you speak words of negation, this is what the law of attraction is receiving: ‘I don’t want to spill something on this outfit’ = ‘I want to spill something on this outfit and I want to spill more things.’” I thought this idea was kind of outlandish until I thought about my most recent experience.

One morning when I awoke I felt very heavy. It was like sadness, anxiety, and frustration all balled up into one emotion. I was frustrated because for the fourth time since Myles came home from the hospital, our one and only vehicle had become inoperable. After talking and praying with a friend, I decided to take a bath while the baby was napping so I could read and meditate. I was trying to figure out, “What could I have said that would bring all of this craziness?” Then I remembered. While Myles was in the hospital I told my girlfriend, “When we leave here, I do not want to struggle financially.” Just as the law of attraction said, we have experienced tremendous financial distress ever since. Based on this principle I should have said, “I thank God that we are going to be abundantly blessed and be able to take care of all things that come our way.”

Thankfully, the things we are seeing manifest in our lives’ can be reversed, positively or negatively, by changing our thoughts and the things we say out aloud. The Secret speaks of the person who is wealthy that loses everything, then eventually regains all that was lost. At some point this person began to have fear of losing everything they had, and they did. But because they already had the mindset of a wealthy person, they were able to regain it all.

Let’s find some positive affirmations that we can begin to speak over our lives’, and mean it-  I am the righteousness of God. I am receiving the abundance of God. I will get that job. I will have a baby. I will be a millionaire- I believe that the more you begin to believe it, the more you will begin to receive it. Sit down and write some positive affirmations about what you DO want in your life.

The beautiful part of meditating on positive things is that you will begin to have the motivation to do the things you want most out of life. I remember when I returned to college to get my Bachelor’s degree. I attempted to do it many times, but I was not truly motivated nor did I speak positively about returning to school. When I entered into college this final time, I said, “I am going to receive this degree no matter what.” I received my B.S. in Counseling and Human Services in December 2011 with high honors. It was not easy, and all kinds of things stepped in to shake my faith, but it happened.

This is not the easiest concept to grasp a hold of when you have experienced many disappointments in your life. It becomes difficult to convince yourself that anything good could ever happen. However, as you enter into your next thought, speak positively about what you want in your life. No matter how things seemingly appear, keep those positive affirmations coming. Yes, some people are going to think you are out of your mind, which is why you should be careful with whom you share your deepest desires. You don’t need anyone feeding you negative thoughts. (Isn’t it funny how people will say “Amen” when you sit around complaining, but have everything negative to say when you are trying to create a better life?)

Watch your mouth. Guard your thoughts. Take the, “I can’t” and the “I don’t have” out of your conversation. Do the hard work. Use your faith to keep focused, and wait for the bountiful blessings of your faith to arrive. I sure am!


If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or prayer requests, please feel free to email me at:


  1. Thank you so very much for this awesome reminder. And thank you for your faithfulness to pour into our lives! God Bless you and your family abundantly!

  2. Thank you so much! It is such a blessing to share.


    I truly enjoyed this piece. It also brings to mind that speaking of the things of the past that have not been positive will also bring about a cycle of manifestation. So, one has to speak of those things that you want in the future that you are pressing toward!

    It is not good to dwell on negative thought because the issues of the heart become the words that we speak and these issues are generated by the thoughts. So, one must guard your heart and your mouth! Truly being mindful is critical!


  4. Amen! I absolutely agree! Thank you for your feedback.
