Monday, March 16, 2015

More Than Words

More Than Words

One of my favorite songs of all-time is a song from the 1990s, More Than Words by Extreme. In essence, this song talks about saying “I love you” but it being more than just words. This duo says that showing your love is more important than simply saying it. Beyond their beautiful harmony lies a great lesson.

            While listening to this song for I’m sure the 100th time, I came to understand the conviction of the Holy Spirit. As I grew in my relationship with God, I had to come to grips with feeling guilty about almost everything I did: having impure thoughts, harboring unforgiveness, disliking a person. The list goes me. But then I learned the difference between condemnation and conviction. Condemnation is feeling guilty about something. Conviction is allowing God to make you aware of your unhealthy and displeasing behaviors so you can begin to check the behavior and change.

            I wanted to please God, but at the same time, I didn't want to continuously badger myself when I felt I did something wrong. If I truly wanted to please Him, I had to show Him. Not just with empty promises, but with actions that acknowledged my true repentance.

            Now herein lies the journey. God understands that we are fallible. Just when we take two steps forward, it seems that we take two more steps back. Yet, God sees this as progress. Effort was made! There is a reason why Jesus tells us to forgive our brethren 70x7 times (Matt.18:22 NLT). He forgives us just as many! There’s a reason why the father opens his arms to his son that squandered away his inheritance and lived a “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” type of lifestyle (Luke 15:11-32). Because our Father stands with arms open wide, rejoicing in our return! Our sinfulness can be beyond our control, which is why we have Christ.

            While on this journey called life, it is important to show God how much we adore Him. If you are an argumentative person, instead of getting into an argument with someone today, walk away. Now tomorrow may not bring the same results, but you’ve consciously put in the effort you put in, and the more you do, the more you will see results. Just take baby steps forward.

            A few words to the wise: The majority of things that are laid out in the Bible as sinful or displeasing behaviors are not just there to make God happy with us. They’re also there to make us happy. Avoiding arguments can bring great peace into your life. Most often, the dispute wasn't even necessary to get the results you wanted. And who couldn't stand to have normal blood pressure rather than high pressure that came from being fuming mad?

            My encouragement to you is to allow your actions to speak louder than your words. Continuously doing and saying things to hurt others and yourself is contrary to telling God you love Him. Make daily attempts to do better at showing your love, and you will find that you will reap blessings you were never aware could exist.


If you have any comments, questions, or prayer requests, please contact me at: Also, follow me on Facebook at Sheronda L. Barksdale, Entrepreneur and Life Empowerment Coach, Instagram at: sheronda_l_barksdale, and Twitter at: @SherondaGB.

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